Born in the ninteen forties and growing-up in the Puget Sound region of
Washington State I gained the values of my generation and the
appreciation for the sanctity of nature at an early age. Raised
by a mother who lived for the beaches and the woodlands of our
pristine environment and a father with a graphic arts business,
my destiny was but a foregone conclusion. At an early age my
mother was instructing me on the use of her "Brownie Box
Camera", and I was working after school for my father in his
printing company. I became fascinated with the aspect of graphic
layout, his artists could present the most monotonous subject
matter in ways that demanded attention.
"In the sixties there was
conflict in the Far East and before I really realized what was
going on I woke up one morning in the midst of it all with a
camera in my hands."
Good old Uncle Sam had decided to make me a U.S. Marine Corps
was the month of July, the year was 1965 and I was on foreign
soil far from home, unlike thousands of other Marines arriving
in the Far East, I was not there as a combat soldier, I was
there as an assistant to a civilian photographer. I spent the
next year or so under the tutelage of a man whose name I could
never pronounce and whose language I never learned to speak but
whose lessons I listened to intently. This man understood light
and how to capture its nuances through the lens of a camera. He
was my mentor.
Upon leaving military service I joined my father's company,
teamed with an experienced graphic artist, the two of us set out
to capture the market on publishing corporate reports. Her job
was layout and design, I was to do all required photography.
There came a time in the seventies where my services where so
much in demand that the excitement, fun and challenge of the
shoot began to feel like a job. I felt this was a restriction on
my creativity so I turned to graphic design to fill the void. I
opened a graphic services company, producing typography and
artwork for the commercial printing and advertising world.
This decision did not mean an end to photography for me, it
meant a new beginning and freedom, freedom to shoot what I
wanted and only what I wanted. For the last twenty plus years I
have framed through the view finder and released the shutter tens of thousands of
times and enjoyed
every moment.
you are in need of a photographer who captures emotion with a
talk to me. If you just want someone to take a picture, hand
your camera to a friend.
Please browse the galleries within this site, if you find some
images to be captivating, pleasing, provocative or in any way
stimulating I have accomplished my objective and I thank you for
Winder |