About our pricing guide: Because so many services are custom in nature it is virtually impossible to offer a "Price List", therefore, we have a guide which should assist in estimating the finished cost related to the services rendered. If you feel confused or would rather have a price quote prior to commencing with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to give a written or verbal quotation. Please note that some services do have fixed prices however these may be modified to fit certain circumstances.

Photography Services Pricing, (Shooting):

Limited Shoot:
Travel time is billed at $25.00 per hour and includes travel to and from the shoot site. Shooting time is billed at $65.00 Per Hour, (Minimum Fee $65.00). Finished Prints or Digital Files will be billed at the rates listed in our Print Price List.

Event shoot:
Travel time is billed at $25.00 per hour and includes travel to and from the shoot site. Shooting time is billed at $95.00 Per Hour. (Minimum Fee $190.00) A print package with a DVD is included, additional prints and DVD�s will be available at an additional cost.

Simple; Includes travel and up to two hours shooting time. A basic print package is included, (up to (24) 5 x 7 and
(2) 8 x 10�s), No Album. $500.00

Basic; Includes travel and up to four hours shooting time. A print package and basic album is included up to (36)
5 x 7, (2) 8 x 10 and (1)11 x 14). $1200.00

Includes travel and up to eight hours shooting time. Exquisite custom made album containing thirty six individually printed pages of photographs and collages chronologically capturing your wedding event. Also included is a Motion DVD with many candid shots not in the album $3500.00

Photographic Services Pricing, (Lab-Technology): All photographic services are based on time and materials, costs for services may vary greatly, if this is of concern we recommend getting an estimate prior to commencing work..

Copyright Notice:
All original works including Film and Digital Photographs, Graphic Designs and Layouts or any other tangible or digital works created by RJ Winder Photography or any of its affiliates is protected by Copyright and remain the property of RJ Winder Photography.
Please read licensing agreement prior to placing order.  Click for COPY

Prints and Enlargements: All prints and enlargements require preparation and set-up, our basic fee is $15.00 per exposure. Extraordinary prep, set-up or circumstances requiring additional time will be billed in addition to the Print prices.

Price is based on an individual print Multiple print discount (Same Print) Multiple print discount (Mixed Prints)
Print Size Sq. Inches Price Number of Prints Discount Number of Prints Discount
4 x 6 Up to 24 $2.00 2 - 5 10% 2 - 5 10%
5 x 7 25 - 40 $5.00 6 - 10 20% 6 - 10 20%
8 x 10 41 - 80 $12.00 11 - 25 25% 11 - 25 25%
11 x 14 81 - 154 $26.00 26 or More 30% 26 or More 30%
16 x 20 155 - 320 $58.00        
17 x 22 321 - 374 $68.00        

Digital Files: Original digital negatives are not available for sale and always remain the property of RJ Winder Photography. Digital copies with restrictive use license sold by RJ Winder Photography are for limited promotion or personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes without the express written consent of RJ Winder Photography.
Please read licensing agreement prior to placing order.  Click for COPY

Digital copies are available at the prices listed below.

Type of file

Approximate Resolution/Size Price is per file
Price is per file
Price is per file
Price is per file
JPG Low - (1-350kb) $6.00* $4.00* $2.50 $2.00
JPG Med - (350-750kb) $8.00* $5.00 $3.00 $2.50
JPG High - (>750kb) $12.00* $8.00 $5.00 $3.50
TIFF High - (>10mb) $50.00 $35.00 $20.00 $12.50
OTHER Quoted upon request *Minimum charge per order is $50.00

Digital File Discounts:
When ordering digital files in combination with prints the following discounts apply.
(The prints and digital files must be matching or from the same job.)

Dollar value
of prints:
$100-$499 $500-$999 $1000-$1499 $1500-$2499 OVER $2500
Discount 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%

Information on Digital Files:
Low Res JPG files are good for general digital use but not suitable for printing.
Med Res JPG files are great for web sites and digital frames and low quality small prints.
High Res JPG files are great for digital frames and suitable for small format prints, (8 x10 or smaller).
High Res TIFF files are of maximum quality and make excellent prints and/or graphic reproductions.

Touch-up, restoration and colorization; Time and Materials @ $55.00 Hr. Will give estimate prior to commencing work.

Digital Conversion:
  Existing prints, 35mm negatives or positives can be converted to high resolution digital files and placed on CD's.

There is a base fee of $25.00 per order plus the per each price below.

Conversion Prices (Price per Each)
Quantity From Prints From Film
1 - 10 $1.25 $2.00
11 x 25 $1.00 $1.65
26 x 50 $0.80 $1.25
50+ $0.75 $1.20
These are high resolution files suitable for digital printing. Depending on image size each file is approximately 15-60 megabytes in size.


DVD Motion Movies: There a numerous variables which come into play in producing a Motion DVD such as: Did we shoot the stills or are you supplying them? How many stills are involved or required? Is there a sound track to add? Depending on the detail and quality of a still photograph a very nice five to ten minute movie can be produced from one shot.

All Motion Movies are done on a time and materials basis and an estimate will be provided prior to commencement of production. Do to the amount of time involved in producing a DVD Motion Movie they normally cost between $250.00 to $2,500.00.

Slide Show: A slide show is a simple compilation of photographs put together in a digital file to run either in a computer or on a DVD player; they may or may not have a sound track imbedded. Unlike a motion movie all frames are full frame and of the same time interval. This is a very low cost way to archive and view events such as a birthday party or a vacation trip, etc. Slide show productions are quoted individually and generally range from $25.00 to $150.00 depending on the number of photos.